Positive Parenting: Tips & Benefits

The term “Positive Parenting” is becoming increasingly common these days but the disappointing truth is very few of us can fathom what the term actually refers to and most importantly some of the adopting techniques, valuable tips and benefits of it are still very puzzling to us. It is an approach which allows children to be treated with sympathy, compassion and respect. This is also includes caring, teaching, communicating and loving each other unconditionally. It doesn’t end here, providing emotional support, warmth and security are also parts of positive parenting. It plays a significant role in a child’s growth just like their engagement in physical activities, good health and supporting community.

Research says that the average time a child spends with his family in a day is 70% during the age of 3-9 and 75% of their idiosyncrasy, behavioral pattern and habitual activities comes from their family members. Many people mistake in comprehending the meaning of the term positive parenting thinking it’s about being strict, punishing and reprimanding kids all the time or as soon as they notice imperfections or irregularities in their activities. This kind of thought borders the kids from getting the love, care, attention, privacy and recreation they deserve. Its pitiable seeing these ignorant parents raising our future. 


Positive parenting never means pampering or rebuking kids all the time or as soon as parents notice slightest defects in their activities. It is more about understanding their patterns of behavior and choosing to act according to them, seeing the world from their point of view, hearing them out and not expecting things to be always flawless. It emphasizes the techniques of making kids understand or getting things done by them without hurting emotionally or physically. The best time to start the approach of positive parenting begins right at the infant level but it’s never too late to grasp the concept and start to practice it right away.

Some beneficial tips of positive parenting- 

  •           Spending some alone time with kids every day, 
  •           Hearing them out with patience, 
  •           Encouraging to find resolutions to their problems by themselves, 
  •           Simplifying family restrictions, 
  •           Trying best not to hurt them, neither emotionally nor physically, 
  •           Giving them rooms to choose things by themselves, 
  •           Setting examples kids can learn from, 
  •           Explaining things positively instead of using a stern NO, 
  •           Putting combined family effort to teach them the acts of love and compassion, 
  •           Giving enough emotional warmth, support and attention, 
  •           Making them aware of their responsibilities with a fine tone, 
  •           Maintaining positive emotional connection and measuring their improvements, 
  •           Praising them every time they get things right, 
  •           Making them feel like every single act committed by them has a value, 
  •           Assuring them imperfections and flaws are no big deal. 


Main focus of positive parenting are disciplines and techniques to help kids grow up to be a responsible and self-reliant adult, who treats others with patience, compassion and gratitude. It’s a gentle way to make kids realize the importance of acting nice and measuring their own behavioral improvements. With time, they perceive their significance to the society and realize how vast every single act and work done by them truly matters. The earlier they come in touch with positive parenting, the faster they realize their worth and start working according to them. Here are some benefits of positive parenting- 

For kids- 

  •           Increased developmental outcomes like self-esteem, reliability, self-competence, gratitude and trust, 
  •           Learning to maintain better flow of communication with everyone, 
  •           Higher chances of being happy and contented with life, 
  •           Perceiving the idea how to handle even the worst, 
  •           Learning to make stronger bonds, 
  •           Reduced streak of negative behaviors, 
  •           Being a positive example for other kids. 

For parents- 

  •           Mutual respect between kids and parents, 
  •           Establishing positive and secure connection, 
  •           Getting to know each other even more and providing emotional shelter whenever needed, 
  •           Healthy family relation, 
  •           Combined contribution in maintaining peaceful homely environment, 
  •           Being proud parents. 

Not only these, positive parenting can contribute even to the betterment of the society to a great extent by helping to raise a responsible and well-mannered adult along with maturity and sensibility who respects people and stands with those who need it. That’s why parents should be more careful before adopting the techniques they want to teach their kids by following. 

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